Project Updates

The Kelley’s Landing team has spent the summer conducting public engagement, stakeholder meetings, and research about the future park site’s existing conditions. All of this information will help develop a Master Plan that works for the land, the community, and the city. Use the blog below to read more about project updates and what we have heard so far!

Public Engagement

Read more about how the Kelley’s Landing team is hearing from residents about their vision for the park, including with surveys, pop-up engagement, and in person events.

Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholders are organizations and people that could be directly impacted by the future park. In the case of Kelley’s Landing, this includes technical organizations like Kentucky American Water and Valley View Ferry, Regional stakeholders in Clark and Madison County, and permitting agencies like the US Army Corps of Engineers and Kentucky Fish and Wildlife. Neighbors of the park, including businesses, churches, and individual residents, are also stakeholder for this project.